September, Friday 20, 2024

Attempted Attack on RAF Aircraft by Russian Pilot in 2022


According to the BBC, a Russian pilot attempted to shoot down a Royal Air Force (RAF) surveillance plane after mistakenly believing he had permission to do so. The incident occurred in September of last year, when the RAF plane was on a surveillance mission over the Black Sea. Two Russian SU-27 fighter jets approached the RAF aircraft, and intercepted communications reveal that one of the pilots believed he had received permission to target the British plane following an unclear command from a Russian ground station. However, the other pilot disagreed and expressed his anger when the first missile was fired. The intercepted communications show that there was a dispute between the two Russian pilots, with one thinking they had permission to fire and the other disagreeing. The RAF plane, equipped with sensors to intercept communications, would have been able to listen in on this potentially deadly incident. The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) had initially accepted the Russian explanation that the incident was caused by a "technical malfunction," but these intercepted communications paint a different picture. The MoD has declined to release details of the intercepted communications. The incident raises questions about the professionalism and discipline of the Russian air force. In response to the leaked report of a "near shoot-down," the MoD issued a statement denying some details in the report, stating that a significant portion of the content was untrue or manipulated. This incident serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It also highlights the courage of the RAF crews who continue to conduct surveillance flights over the Black Sea. Since the incident, these flights have been escorted by Typhoon fighter jets armed with air-to-air missiles. The UK is the only NATO ally to conduct crewed missions over the Black Sea. This is not the first time a Russian pilot has targeted a NATO aircraft in international airspace. In March of this year, a Russian jet shot down a US unmanned surveillance drone over the Black Sea, with the Russian pilot later being awarded a medal for the incident.