September, Thursday 19, 2024

Rishi Sunak contemplating the potential dilution of crucial environmentally friendly measures


Rishi Sunak is reportedly considering making changes to the government's green commitments, which could include delaying the ban on new petrol and diesel cars and phasing out gas boilers. Although there is no suggestion of abandoning the legal commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, Sunak is expected to argue that other countries need to do more to tackle climate change. This shift in policy would mark a significant change in the Conservative Party's stance on net zero policy and create a clear contrast with the Labour Party. Sunak would use a speech to highlight the UK's position as a leader in net zero efforts, but also emphasize that other countries should bear more responsibility. The details of the speech are still under discussion, but the proposed changes could include pushing back the ban on petrol and diesel cars from 2030 to 2035, weakening the plan to phase out gas boilers by 2035, and scrapping new energy efficiency regulations for homes. Other measures such as delaying the ban on off-grid oil boilers, avoiding new taxes on flying, no government policies on changing people's diets, and no measures to encourage carpooling may also be announced. Sunak is also expected to reject what he sees as burdensome recycling schemes.