September, Thursday 19, 2024

Why I am relocating from France to Algeria: Reverse migration explained


Maher Mezahi, an Algerian journalist, shares his decision to leave France and return to Algeria, his family's country of origin. He reflects on the tendency of immigrant families to be overly critical of their homeland. Growing up, his father was that family member who constantly made negative remarks about Algeria, which influenced his perception until he started visiting the country alone. Mezahi explains that his love for African football motivated him to pursue a career in sports journalism and move back to Algeria. He discusses the concept of "reverse immigration" and how it is often seen as a way for younger generations to rediscover their roots. Despite cynicism from older generations, Mezahi finds joy and fulfillment in his work and everyday experiences in Algeria. He eventually moved to Marseille in France but quickly realized it wasn't the right fit for him. Now, he is preparing to return to Algeria, acknowledging the challenges that come with living there but emphasizing the happiness and sense of purpose he finds by being able to do what he loves in the place he loves most.