September, Friday 20, 2024

Tearful Gazan Journalists Documenting the Reality: 'At Times I Can't Help but Break Down'


The article tells the story of Mahmoud Bassam, a dedicated journalist in Gaza who is documenting the suffering of the people during the ongoing conflict. Mahmoud lives in constant fear for the safety of his wife and child, who have to constantly move to avoid bombings. He describes the emotional toll of his work and sometimes finds himself overcome with tears. While he wants to help those in need, he understands that he is a journalist, not an aid worker, and his duty is to report the truth. The article highlights the dangers faced by journalists in war zones, with over 30 journalists being killed during this recent conflict in Gaza. The loss of colleagues deeply affects the close-knit journalist community in the area. The article also mentions the profound loss experienced by a Palestinian journalist living in Britain, who mourns her friend and fellow journalist Ibrahim Lafi, who was killed at the beginning of the war. It concludes by mentioning the Al Jazeera bureau chief who, despite personally losing his family in an air strike, continues to fulfill his duty as a journalist.