September, Friday 20, 2024

Infestation of rats reaches Australian fishing communities


Residents in Queensland, Australia, are facing an overwhelming rat and mouse plague that has been ongoing for several months. The native rodent population has increased, forcing the rats to move toward the coast in search of food. Unfortunately, many of them do not survive the journey. Derek Lord, a resident from the town of Normanton, has described the situation as rats being everywhere. They have caused significant damage, including destroying vehicles and breaking into cages, causing distress to pets such as ducks. The nearby town of Karumba has also been infested with rats, causing concern among residents about the impact on tourism. Disturbing images and videos have been circulating on social media, showing piles of dead rats on the beaches and large numbers of them floating in the river. The surge in rat populations is attributed to favorable breeding conditions and a plentiful harvest. With more wet weather expected, the situation may worsen. Queensland and New South Wales have experienced a significant increase in rodent numbers, reaching plague levels not seen since 2011. Some residents fear that the influx of rats will leave a lasting negative impression on Karumba.