September, Friday 20, 2024

Is RAF Lakenheath preparing for the reinstatement of nuclear weapons?


Documents suggest that nuclear weapons may be returning to RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, United Kingdom, 15 years after their reported removal. The base is currently home to the 48th Fighter Wing, which houses the latest generation F-35A Lightning II aircraft. These fighter jets have been flight tested to carry the B61-12 thermonuclear bomb. The US Department of Defense briefly published documents detailing a contract to build defensive shelters for the base's "upcoming nuclear mission". Additionally, funds have been allocated for a "surety dormitory," believed to be storage facilities for nuclear weapons. The base, operational since World War Two, is currently staffed by 4,000 US military personnel and 1,500 British and US civilians. While some suggest the plans may be precautionary, experts believe they may be a response to Russia's actions and increasing tensions. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has protested the base's potential storage of nuclear weapons. The group is investigating the legality of the surety dormitory through a law firm.