September, Friday 20, 2024

Hamas attack disrupts President Biden's foreign policy


Hamas's recent attack on Israel has been described as unprecedented, and the response from the US reflects this. The US already provides significant military aid to Israel each year, but this time the attack from Hamas is expected to trigger a more extensive Israeli campaign and potentially lead to an escalation in the region. To show its commitment to Israel's defense and deter other countries or militant groups from joining the conflict, the US has dispatched an aircraft carrier fleet to the waters near Israel. This move is not unusual, as the US often deploys naval vessels to the region during periods of heightened tensions. The Pentagon is concerned that the conflict may spread beyond Hamas and is particularly worried about Iran and its support for Hezbollah and Hamas. By sending the fleet, the US aims to demonstrate its concrete commitment to Israel's defense. The Biden administration has also ordered the Pentagon to provide additional equipment and resources to Israel, including air defense and munitions. While some of this equipment is already in the pipeline and will be fast-tracked, further funding may require approval from Congress, which is currently facing internal issues. The deployment of the aircraft carrier fleet is not expected to directly draw the US into the conflict, but it may divert attention away from other regions such as Ukraine, at least in the short term. The fate of the hostages captured by Hamas will play a significant role in determining how the conflict unfolds and its impact on US politics. President Biden has pledged to assist in recovery efforts and ensure the safe return of any American citizens held by Hamas. The war has also disrupted President Biden's Middle East policy, specifically the regional security alignment between Israel and Saudi Arabia aimed at isolating Iran. This alignment is now on pause, and the situation may become even more uncertain, especially if there is a significant increase in Palestinian casualties in Gaza. The attacks from Hamas have raised concerns about the level of savagery and mark a departure from previous conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians. The US stresses that this attack is different, likening it to "Isis-level savagery." While the US has previously urged Israel to accept ceasefires in past conflicts, this time the goalposts have shifted. The US holds Israel to robust standards and monitoring procedures for the protection of civilians, which are expected to be applied in light of the actions taken by Hamas. Ultimately, the US recognizes the need for Israel to respond and restore deterrence in the face of Hamas's actions.