September, Thursday 19, 2024

Pope confirms Catholic priests can offer blessings to same-sex couples


Pope Francis has made a significant decision by allowing priests to bless same-sex couples, marking progress for the LGBT community within the Roman Catholic Church. The leader of the Church stated that under certain circumstances, priests should be able to bless same-sex and "irregular" couples, although the Vatican clarified that this should not be a regular part of Church rituals or connected to civil unions or weddings. The Vatican reiterated its belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman. In a document approved by Pope Francis, the Vatican announced this change, emphasizing that priests must decide on a case-by-case basis. Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, who introduced the text, confirmed that while the declaration maintains the traditional doctrine of the Church regarding marriage, it allows priests to bless relationships that are still considered sinful, aligning with the Pope's vision of broadening the Church's appeal. The document also highlights that people receiving a blessing should not be expected to have moral perfection beforehand. In the Catholic Church, a blessing is a prayer or plea that asks God to favorably regard the person or people being blessed. Cardinal Fernández emphasized that this new stance does not validate the status of same-sex couples according to the Catholic Church. Although it only represents a change in tone and not in position, this declaration shows a more lenient approach by the Church. Pope Francis had previously expressed openness to the idea of blessing same-sex couples in October, while bishops in some countries had already allowed such blessings, despite unclear guidance from Church authorities.