September, Friday 20, 2024

Ukrainian Truckers Stranded as Protests in Poland Disrupt Transportation


The article discusses the trade dispute between Poland and Ukraine that is causing a long queue of trucks along the road near Poland's eastern border. Polish truck drivers have created blockades, affecting the flow of traffic and causing inconvenience for Ukrainian drivers waiting to cross the border. While humanitarian and military aid can pass through, other goods are stuck. The Ukrainian ambassador to Poland has expressed disappointment, calling the truckers' protest a betrayal. Ukrainian drivers have been waiting for over a week in their trucks and are running out of supplies and patience. The Polish truckers argue that they are protecting their livelihoods after the EU lifted entry restrictions on Ukrainian carriers. They claim that Ukrainian companies are undercutting them in the market. The protesters have set conditions, including reintroducing a permit system, to limit the number of Ukrainian trucks entering Poland. They also want changes to the online queue system, which they believe favors locals. Until their demands are met, only a limited number of trucks are allowed through each hour. The Ukrainians waiting in the queue express frustration and plead to be allowed to return home. The article also mentions the political motivations behind Poland's government initially supporting Ukraine and then wavering, as well as the fading sympathy among local residents. The protest is expected to continue until January, and tensions are escalating. Some trucks have experienced damage, and supplies for the Ukrainian drivers are running low.