September, Friday 20, 2024

Poland's Government Faces Growing Pressure as Cash for Visa Scandal Escalates

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The speaker of Poland's upper house of parliament, Tomasz Grodzki, has demanded that the government disclose its knowledge of a growing cash for visas scandal. Grodzki stated that this issue is significantly damaging Poland's international reputation as a responsible democracy. So far, the government has provided limited information, but according to media reports, migrants paid up to $5,000 (£4,000) each to expedite their work visa applications. While seven people have been charged in connection with the scandal, none of them are public officials. Recently, Poland's Deputy Foreign Minister Piotr Wawrzyk was dismissed following these allegations. On the same day, Poland's Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA) conducted a search of the foreign ministry, resulting in the firing of the director of its legal service. To address the scandal, the ministry, which is under investigation, announced that it will terminate all contracts with outsourcing companies involved in visa applications since 2011. Opposition Members of Parliament have claimed that up to 250,000 visas for individuals from Asia and Africa were irregularly issued by outsourcing companies. However, the government challenges this figure, stating that only a few hundred visas were improperly granted. Grodzki expressed his concerns about the scandal in a televised address, stating that it is damaging the country's reputation and security. He described it as the largest scandal Poland has faced in the 21st century, involving corruption at the highest levels of government. In response to Grodzki's remarks, Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro played down the scale of the problem, suggesting that the speaker was exaggerating. The CBA has been investigating the matter since July 2022, when it first became aware of the issue. This scandal could potentially tarnish the governing Law and Justice party's (PiS) anti-immigration stance just before the parliamentary elections scheduled for next month. While PiS is currently leading in the polls, it remains uncertain whether they can secure the outright majority they need for continued governance.