September, Thursday 19, 2024

Study finds that playing a musical instrument has positive effects on brain health as people age


According to UK researchers, playing a musical instrument or singing may help maintain a healthy brain in older age. The study, published in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, suggests that engaging in music can support good memory and the ability to solve complex tasks. The researchers looked at data from over 1,100 people aged over 40, discovering that playing an instrument had the most beneficial effect on cognitive health. Listening to music alone did not appear to have the same benefits. Singing may be beneficial due to the social aspects of group participation. The researchers believe that promoting musical education could be a valuable part of a public health message to improve brain health as people age. However, they caution that taking up a musical instrument does not guarantee protection against dementia. The results have been positively received by Dementia UK, which highlights the continuing importance of music in the lives of people living with dementia.