September, Friday 20, 2024

Procter & Gamble Factory in Istanbul Evacuated as Employees are Held Hostage - Reports from Turkish Media


According to reports from Turkish media, a man has taken several individuals hostage at a Proctor & Gamble (P&G) plant located outside Istanbul. A representative from the factory's union stated that seven people are being held at the Gebze facility, while the rest of the employees have been released. The police are currently engaged in negotiations with the alleged hostage-taker. P&G issued a statement emphasizing the priority it places on the safety and security of its employees. They have evacuated the manufacturing facility and are cooperating with local authorities and the police. The factory has been cordoned off by the police, and medical personnel have been sent to the scene. A photo circulating on social media depicts the alleged hostage-taker with wires and explosives taped to his chest, while holding a handgun. It has been reported by local media that a Palestinian flag and a sign stating "doors will be open for Gaza" have been displayed at the entrance of the building.