September, Friday 20, 2024

The Creator of Pepper X Describes the Euphoria of Consuming the World's Hottest Pepper


Ed Currie, the founder of PuckerButt Pepper Company in South Carolina, has a deep love for peppers. He devotes himself to peppers, starting his mornings with pepper oil in his coffee and ending his day with peppers or hot sauce in his dinner. Although his favorite pepper to cook with is the chocolate scotch bonnet, his own creation called Pepper X recently earned the title of the world's hottest pepper according to Guinness World Records. However, even as a pepper connoisseur, tasting Pepper X was a painful experience for Currie. He described a feeling of euphoria followed by unbearable heat that caused him to experience cramps for hours. Currie's passion for peppers stems from a journey of addiction and recovery. His wife, Linda, played a crucial role in the establishment of their company, as she recognized the commercial potential of the hot sauces they made for friends. PuckerButt Pepper Company has since become one of the largest hot sauce manufacturers in the US. Tom, an employee of the company, attests to Currie's dedication to helping people, as he has hired many individuals in recovery and provided them with second chances. Tom personally experienced Currie's support when he allowed him to live with his family until he could get back on his feet. Ultimately, Currie's true passion lies in both the heat of peppers and the desire to help others.