September, Friday 20, 2024

David DePape, the man accused of a hammer attack on Pelosi, emotionally recounts a peculiar and unusual scheme during his testimony


David DePape, a man accused of a hammer attack on the husband of ex-House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has given tearful testimony about his involvement in a bizarre plot to end corruption in the US. DePape, 43, pleaded not guilty to charges including attempted kidnapping of a federal official and could face life in prison if convicted. He told the court that his political transformation began after reading a YouTube comment about Donald Trump, which led him to explore conspiracy theories. DePape said he had previously held left-wing beliefs but became absorbed in right-wing media and podcasts. He explained that he formulated a "grand plan" involving luring various targets to the Pelosi home, including prominent figures such as politician Bernie Sanders and actor Tom Hanks. DePape's ultimate goal was to confront President Joe Biden's son Hunter and seek pardons for those he considered "criminals." He admitted to going to the Pelosi home armed with zip ties and duct tape, planning to wear an inflatable unicorn costume and film his interrogation of her. However, his plan was disrupted, and he became reactive, leading to the attack on Pelosi's husband. Defending lawyers argue that DePape's actions were driven by his belief in conspiracy theories rather than Pelosi's position as Speaker of the House, as the charges involve assault on a federal official and prosecutors must establish the motivation behind the attack.