September, Thursday 19, 2024

French police open fire on woman at Paris railway station following reported threats


In an incident that took place in southern Paris, French counter-terrorism police shot a woman who was allegedly threatening passers-by. The intervention occurred at Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand train station after passengers alerted the police. The woman, who was wearing a veil, reportedly made threats of detonating herself. Despite repeated instructions from the police to cooperate, she refused, leading them to open fire. The woman is currently in critical but stable condition after being shot in the abdomen. This incident comes at a time of heightened tension in France due to the Israel-Hamas conflict. In a separate event earlier this month, a teacher was killed and two others were seriously injured at a school in northern France by an assailant who allegedly shouted "Allahu Akbar" (meaning "God is greatest"). Following this incident, France raised its counter-terrorism security alert to the highest level. Another incident worth mentioning is the recent discovery of stars of David graffiti on a resident's home in the northern suburb of Paris, Saint-Ouen. In response, the mayor, Karim Bouamrane, strongly condemned the act as "antisemitic and racist", demanding that those responsible be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.