September, Friday 20, 2024

The Elusive Enigma of Pablo Neruda: The Unsolved Riddle Surrounding the Death of the Chilean Poet


The death of renowned Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, 50 years ago, remains a mystery despite a decade-long investigation. Allegations first arose 12 years after his death that he was murdered on the orders of the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Forensic experts in Canada, Denmark, and other countries have examined Neruda's remains in an attempt to determine the cause of death, but have been unable to reach a conclusive answer. Manuel Araya, Neruda's former driver and personal assistant, who made the initial allegation, passed away earlier this year without seeing a resolution to the case. Neruda's nephew, Rodolfo Reyes, expressed the need for clarity and urged the judge investigating the case to provide a declaration. Neruda, a communist and close friend of deposed President Salvador Allende, died just 12 days after the military coup that brought Pinochet to power. While his death certificate stated he died of cancer, Araya claimed that Neruda was given a lethal injection to prevent him from going into exile in Mexico and opposing the Pinochet regime. In 2013, Neruda's remains were exhumed and subjected to forensic tests. While it was determined that he did not die of cancer, the cause of his death remains inconclusive. Recently, experts found traces of the bacterium clostridium botulinum in one of Neruda's teeth, but again cautioned that there was no definitive proof that it caused his death. The case has divided Chileans and the Neruda family, with some believing he was murdered while others insist he died of natural causes. Despite the ongoing investigation, no final conclusion has been reached.