September, Friday 20, 2024

Ozzy Osbourne undergoes last neck surgery, admitting he can no longer continue


Rock legend Ozzy Osbourne has revealed that he has undergone what he believes will be his final surgery to correct spinal damage caused by a fall in 2019. The injury aggravated a previous injury from a quad-bike crash in 2003 and has affected his ability to walk. Although his health has improved somewhat, he still struggles with mobility and experiences pain in his feet. Despite this, Osbourne stated that he would reject any further surgical interventions, expressing his exhaustion with the ongoing medical procedures. He also shared his frustration with photographers who often capture him in vulnerable moments, giving the false impression that he is in poor health. Osbourne retired from touring earlier this year but hopes to return to the stage at some point in the future. He has endured several health issues in recent years, including Parkinson's Disease, which he publicly announced in 2020. Osbourne expressed his gratitude to his family for their support during this challenging period, acknowledging that it has dramatically affected their lives as well. Son Jack clarified that his father's physical condition is not solely due to Parkinson's, but rather a combination of factors. Despite the difficulties, Ozzy remains optimistic about the future.