September, Friday 20, 2024

More than 340 emergency responders have lost their lives due to illnesses linked to the events of September 11th.


The New York City Fire Department has announced that the number of firefighters who have died from illnesses related to the 9/11 attacks is now equal to the number of firefighters lost on the day of the attacks, which is 343. This somber milestone was reached with the recent deaths of two members. The department expressed condolences to the families of these members and all who loved them. The first death occurred on September 20 when emergency medical technician Hilda Vannata passed away from cancer. Retired firefighter Robert Fulco died of pulmonary fibrosis on September 23. Both illnesses were a result of their time spent working at the World Trade Center site during the rescue and recovery period. Vannata, who was born in Puerto Rico and was 67 at the time of her passing, served as an emergency services technician for 26 years. She was described as a warm and caring person who always went out of her way to help others. Fulco, who was 73, was born in Brooklyn, New York. Many described him as a true hero. The 9/11 attacks claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people, with the majority of deaths occurring in New York. Al-Qaeda militants crashed two hijacked US passenger jets into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, causing the buildings to catch fire and trapping people on upper floors. This tragedy marked the largest loss of emergency personnel in US history. According to the New York City Fire Department, 11,000 first responders suffer from 9/11-related diseases, including 3,500 with cancer. The department expressed gratitude for the bravery and sacrifice of their members on that fateful day and vowed to honor their legacy.