September, Thursday 19, 2024

Exposed on TikTok in Ethiopia: 'The dangerous repercussions of a dance'


An incident involving two men dancing at a party in Ethiopia has brought attention to the rampant homophobia in the country. The men were captured on video without their knowledge, and the footage went viral on TikTok, leading to a wave of hateful comments and threats against them. Homosexuality is illegal in Ethiopia and can result in imprisonment. The victim, known as Arnold, experienced physical assault and eventually had to flee the country with the help of a group of queer volunteers. TikTok has been criticized for allowing videos promoting violence against LGBTQ+ individuals to circulate on its platform. Similar issues have been reported in other African countries such as Uganda, where homosexuality is also illegal. While there have been calls to ban TikTok, some members of the LGBTQ+ community believe that the platform can be used as a tool for education and understanding. Arnold aspires to use his experience to advocate for human rights and support his community.