September, Friday 20, 2024

Official: Northern Ethiopia on the Verge of a Devastating Famine


Leaders in Ethiopia's war-torn Tigray region have issued a desperate warning, stating that the area is on the brink of a humanitarian crisis similar to the devastating famine of 1984-85. They have expressed concern over the increasing risk of starvation and death in the region. However, the federal authorities have denied the existence of a famine. The conflict between the federal army, its allies, and Tigrayan forces has already caused significant casualties, displaced hundreds of thousands, and destroyed critical infrastructure in Tigray. Moreover, drought and locust infestations have worsened the situation. The interim administration of Tigray has declared that 91% of the population is now at risk of starvation. While local officials have reported deaths from hunger, a recent UN report has emphasized the escalating food security crisis in Tigray. In response to the dire situation, the US and the UN have resumed food aid to Ethiopia, which was previously suspended due to allegations of theft. The interim administration has called for intervention by the federal government and the international community to save lives. Despite these pleas, Ethiopia's Federal Disaster Risk Management Commission has denied the reports of famine, asserting that the government is mobilizing efforts to provide support for those affected by drought.