September, Thursday 19, 2024

Kim Jong Un of North Korea is believed to have reached the age of 40.


Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, turned 40 years old on Monday, or at least that is what experts believe. The exact date of his birthday has never been revealed, leaving many to speculate. On the same day, official photos were released of Kim Jong Un visiting a chicken farm with his daughter, marking a low-key celebration compared to the lavish birthdays of his father and grandfather, which are still celebrated as national holidays. The reason for keeping his birthday a secret is unclear, but some speculate that it may be to avoid undermining his bloodline claims due to his mother's reported Japanese background. Another theory is that Kim Jong Un wants to promote an image of humility. Some also suggest that older members of North Korea's ruling elite feel he is still too young. It is worth noting that his father's birthday became an official holiday when he turned 40.