September, Thursday 19, 2024

A Family Who Avoids Air Travel Needs to Fly for Their Sydney Wedding.


A British family who attempted to travel to their relative's wedding in Australia without flying ended up boarding a plane at the end of their four-month journey. Shannon Coggins, Theo Simon, and their daughter Rosa had set out on a 10,000-mile journey from Somerset to Sydney, aiming to avoid planes entirely. However, they ran out of transportation options in South East Asia and had to take a short flight. Rosa expressed disappointment in having to board a plane after all the efforts they had made to avoid it. Despite this, she hoped to have shown people the possibility of traveling without relying on planes and appreciating the spaces in between. The family had stopped flying in 2002 due to environmental concerns. However, when Ms. Coggins' sister announced her wedding in Sydney, they began planning alternative modes of transportation. They traveled through various countries before finally taking a flight from Dili in East Timor to Darwin, Australia. The family believes they produced five times less carbon emissions compared to flying. They described the journey as a great experience and a fantastic way to see the world. Giving up their jobs, Ms. Coggins and Mr. Simon dedicated significant planning efforts to make the trip possible. They learned basic phrases in multiple languages and praised the kindness of people they encountered in each country.