September, Thursday 19, 2024

Rishi Sunak announces implementation of £38,700 visa regulation by early 2025


The UK government plans to introduce a new earnings threshold of £38,700 per year for individuals wanting to bring their families to the UK. Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced the increase from the current level of £18,600 earlier this month, but it will now be implemented in two stages. The threshold will rise to £29,000 next spring and then to the full amount in early 2025. Sunak defended the timetable, stating that those bringing dependents to the country must be able to support them financially. The government aims to reduce net migration, which reached a record 745,000 in 2022. The rise in the income threshold for family visas had faced criticism for being too high and potentially disruptive. The government's decision to introduce the increase in stages has been met with both relief and ongoing stress for couples and families who may still struggle to meet the requirements.