September, Friday 20, 2024

Donald Trump and Nikki Haley set for a face-off in New Hampshire primary


On Tuesday, voters in New Hampshire will participate in the primary elections as Donald Trump faces Nikki Haley, his last remaining Republican opponent. Trump is aiming to deliver a decisive blow to Haley's campaign, while Haley hopes to secure an unexpected victory with the support of independent voters in the Granite State. This second contest comes after Trump's overwhelming win in Iowa last week. The ultimate Republican nominee will go up against the Democratic candidate, likely President Joe Biden, in the general election in November. Simultaneously, Democrats are also voting in their primary in New Hampshire. However, due to a conflict between national and local party officials, Biden is the first sitting president not to appear on the ballot. In the race for the Republican nomination, the field has narrowed to just Trump and Haley after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis dropped out and endorsed Trump. DeSantis is one of nearly a dozen Republican contenders who have withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race. Trump had a significant lead in several opinion polls in New Hampshire even before DeSantis exited the race. Many of DeSantis' supporters currently consider Trump the next best option. In a rally, Trump criticized Haley, warning voters that if they want a losing candidate who puts America last, they should vote for her. He claimed that globalists and radical left communists were pushing liberals to vote for her in the primary, emphasizing that they believe Haley is an easy opponent to defeat. During her campaign event, Haley accused Trump of being consumed by the legal cases against him, denying the charges and alleging political persecution. She criticized both Trump and Biden for focusing on grievances, the past, and vendettas instead of discussing the future. Haley, who previously served as the UN ambassador under Trump, urged voters to choose between more of the same or something new. New Hampshire is considered a more moderate state compared to the deeply conservative Iowa. The Haley campaign is relying on the approximately 40% of independent voters in New Hampshire to potentially secure an unexpected win. The Democratic primary in New Hampshire is embroiled in a dispute between state party officials and the national Democratic National Committee (DNC). Although New Hampshire is typically the first primary in the US election calendar, the national DNC changed the order and designated South Carolina as the first primary, claiming it better represents the country's diversity. Despite this, local party officials in New Hampshire decided to proceed with their primary. Consequently, the DNC declared that it would not allocate any delegates, refusing to recognize the results, and leaving Biden off the ballot. However, some of Biden's Democratic supporters in New Hampshire are encouraging voters to write his name on the ballot when they cast their votes.