September, Friday 20, 2024

Landlord pushes for a whopping 35% rent increase, defying capped limits


Rents in Scotland have increased more than in England, despite the Scottish government's implementation of a 3% cap on rent rises earlier this year. A loophole in the regulations allows landlords to seek a 35% rise if one of the tenants gives notice to move out, terminating the tenancy agreement. Young Scots, such as recent graduate Catherine Sheldon, are struggling to afford the rent hikes, with some being forced to leave their homes as they cannot find more affordable accommodation. Over the past decade, rents in Scotland's largest cities have nearly doubled. Private rents in Scotland rose by 6% in the last year, higher than London's 5.9%. Meanwhile, England and Wales have no rent control legislation in place. Critics have called the rent cap a "sticking plaster" that does not sufficiently address the housing crisis faced by private renters. Campaigners argue that rent increases are outpacing income growth, and people are spending an increasingly large proportion of their income on housing. The Scottish government has announced that it will consider longer-term rent controls in an upcoming Housing Bill.