September, Friday 20, 2024

Tragedy in Mongolia as Six Lives are Lost in a Liquified Natural Gas Tanker Accident


A tragic accident occurred in the Mongolian capital when a truck carrying 60 tons of liquefied natural gas crashed and exploded, resulting in the death of six people, including three firefighters. The collision with a car sparked a massive blaze, which quickly spread to nearby buildings. Eleven individuals were also injured in the incident. Witnesses described the explosion as being as powerful as an earthquake, with one saying it felt like a plane crash. The fire grew rapidly, engulfing several buildings. Some residents had to escape through their back doors as their front entrance was already consumed by flames. The force of the explosion shattered windows and destroyed balconies. Fortunately, no casualties were reported from inside the affected buildings. However, the firefighters lost their lives in a subsequent explosion when part of the truck was thrown with great force. It is now being questioned why a vehicle carrying such a hazardous load was allowed in a residential area with schools. Criticism of the city planning has arisen, with suggestions for such trucks to travel outside the city limits to prevent similar incidents in the future.