September, Friday 20, 2024

Mona Lisa: Demonstrators hurl soup at renowned da Vinci masterpiece

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Protesters in Paris recently targeted the iconic Mona Lisa painting at the Louvre museum by throwing soup at its protective glass. The 16th-century masterpiece, created by Leonardo da Vinci, is renowned worldwide and has been safeguarded behind bulletproof glass, minimizing the likelihood of any damage. A recorded video captured two individuals demanding access to "healthy and sustainable food," emphasizing the afflictions of the agricultural system. These protests stem from growing concerns among farmers regarding escalating fuel costs and bureaucratic complexities, leading them to block major roadways in and out of Paris. Notably, the Mona Lisa has been shielded by safety glass since the early 1950s due to an incident where a visitor poured acid on the painting. In response, the museum installed a more transparent form of bulletproof glass in 2019 to enhance protection. Regrettably, the masterpiece faced another incident in 2022 when an activist threw cake at it, urging society to consider the environment. The Mona Lisa has a notorious history, having been famously stolen from the Louvre in 1911 by Vincenzo Peruggia, who, as an employee of the museum, concealed it overnight in a cupboard. Fortunately, the painting was recovered two years later when Peruggia attempted to sell it to an antiques dealer in Florence, Italy. This remains a developing news story and will be updated accordingly.