September, Friday 20, 2024

Fatalities Among Migrants in Europe Rise due to Violent Clashes and Accidents


The migrant route through the Western Balkans into the EU has become even more dangerous due to lethal exchanges of gunfire between smugglers and fatal car crashes. Despite these risks, the number of arrivals continues to rise. Last week, a gun battle between rival gangs near the Hungarian border fence resulted in the deaths of at least three Afghans. The violence is believed to be the result of a turf war between Moroccan, Afghan, and Syrian gangs who control access to the border fence. Local residents have appealed to the police to restore calm, with some accusing them of colluding with the smugglers. The Austrian and Slovak governments have also expressed their concerns to Hungary about the high number of migrants reaching their borders despite the fortified fence, daily detentions, and pushbacks. One migrant interviewed near the Hungarian fence reported experiencing both cruelty and kindness from the smugglers during his journey. The electrified razor-wire Hungarian fence not only helps smugglers control who crosses but also allows them to eliminate "individual initiatives." The game of trying to cross the fence simultaneously at different spots has come to an end. The arrival of weapons from Kosovo has added to the risk. The violence primarily stems from disputes between Syrian-led and Afghan gangs. Police emphasize that the smugglers are armed, not the migrants. There are concerns that locals often fail to differentiate between traffickers and refugees. Many believe that the main purpose of the fence is not to stop migration but to have control over payments from those crossing the border. Footage shows smugglers damaging the fence using power tools. There have been reports of smuggler violence against migrants attempting to enter Hungary with guns and threats. Hungarian police catch around 80 people nightly after they cross the fence, but many others are caught later within the country. Cases of Hungarian police and border hunters beating migrants have been reported but are denied by Hungarian authorities. Hungary has been condemned by the European Court of Justice for the pushbacks of migrants, which violates international law. The area near the Hungarian border has seen numerous car crashes involving migrants, with at least 20 crashes in Hungary alone in the past year. In Austria, there have been 70 incidents in the state of Burgenland as smugglers attempt to evade police controls. Police attribute this increase to a new business model introduced by gang bosses that only pays drivers if they are successful.