September, Friday 20, 2024

Mia Schem, Victim Seen in Hamas Hostage Video, Released Safely


Israeli-French tattoo artist Mia Schem, who was among the hostages taken by Hamas during the Supernova festival in Gaza, has been released. She appears in a video released by Hamas after their attack on Israel on 7 October. The truce deal between Israel and Hamas has so far led to the release of 99 hostages, including Schem. Several others are scheduled to be released on Thursday, and Israel will also release more Palestinians from its prisons. The International Committee of the Red Cross received Schem and another woman who were handed over by Hamas. It is unclear why they were released before others. The deal also includes the release of 30 Palestinian prisoners. The Palestinian Prisoners Club stated that the current list includes 22 children and eight women. Mediators are continuing their efforts to extend the ceasefire to allow more hostages to leave Gaza and more aid to enter. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, on his third visit to the Middle East since the conflict began, declared that the truce is yielding positive results. Images of Schem released on Thursday show her for the first time since the Hamas video emerged. The French government condemned the video, and Schem's mother held a press conference calling for her daughter's immediate release. Schem's parents expressed joy at her release, while French President Emmanuel Macron also welcomed the news. The Hostages and Missing Families Forum stated that Schem's friend Elia Toledano remains in captivity. The forum described Schem as having a zest for life and a fighting spirit. The release also included four Thai nationals, US citizen Liat Beinin Atzili, and prominent activist Ahed Tamimi. Tamimi, who became a symbol of resistance as a teenager, was recently arrested over an Instagram post that her family claims she did not write. Out of the original 300 Palestinians on Israel's list, 210 prisoners have been released, with the majority being held while awaiting trial.