September, Thursday 19, 2024

Massive Rally in Mexico Against Electoral Changes


Massive protests have taken place in Mexico City as thousands of people voice their opposition to proposed changes to the electoral authority ahead of the upcoming presidential elections in June. The Mexico City government reported a turnout of around 90,000 individuals in Zocalo Square, although organizers of the rally claim the figure was significantly higher. Protesters argue that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is attempting to weaken the National Electoral Institute (INE), an independent and non-partisan body. López Obrador alleges that the INE is biased and corrupt. Since assuming office after the 2018 elections, the president has been advocating for an INE reform that would reduce agency staff and save taxpayers approximately $150 million per year. This latest demonstration is part of a series of protests that have occurred in Mexico in recent years. Demonstrators are demanding that autonomous institutions be protected and that the INE remains independent from political interference. Some protestors expressed concerns about defending democracy and keeping the president's influence away from the election process. López Obrador is unable to seek re-election due to the country's limit of a single six-year term for presidents. However, he is endorsing former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum, a member of his ruling Morena party, who is currently leading in opinion polls. Sheinbaum officially entered the race on Sunday by submitting her registration papers.