September, Thursday 19, 2024

Villagers in Mexico claim self-defense in killing extortionists


A group of Mexican villagers who killed 10 members of the notorious Familia Michoacana criminal gang will not face charges as prosecutors have ruled that they acted in self-defense. The residents of Texcapilla had been under constant threat and the gang had attempted to extort money from farmers. The gang members opened fire on the villagers when they were summoned to a football pitch, but the villagers fought back with shotguns and machetes, resulting in the deaths of 10 gang members and four locals. Seven others were injured. The villagers have been recounting to authorities how the gang had exploited their power in the village. The gang demanded that farmers pay a fee for every square meter of their fields, but after a poor harvest this year, farmers tried to negotiate a reduced fee without success. The gang then ordered the farmers to gather at the football pitch for a confrontation, but the farmers decided to refuse to pay altogether. Prosecutors have confirmed that the gang initiated the gunfire and the farmers defended themselves using their tools of trade. The leader of the Familia Michoacana in Mexico state, known as "El Payaso", was reportedly among those killed. However, there are concerns about reprisals, as 14 villagers, including four children, have disappeared since the confrontation. Some villagers were abducted from a hospital and others were seized while traveling by car. It is believed that they have been taken by the gang. The National Guard has been deployed to protect the villagers, and the governor of Mexico state has assured residents that they will not be abandoned. Authorities aim to prevent the formation of a vigilante group in the area, as has occurred in other rural regions of Mexico in the past.