September, Thursday 19, 2024

Suspect in McCann case opts for silence during separate German rape trial


Christian Brückner, the main suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal in 2007, is expected to remain mostly silent during his upcoming trial in Germany for unrelated sexual offenses, according to his lawyer. Brückner, who is currently serving a jail sentence for rape, is due in court on 16 February, facing charges for five offenses committed between 2000 and 2017 in Portugal. Despite being a suspect in Madeleine McCann's case, Brückner has never been officially charged. His lawyer stated that he does not anticipate his client making substantial statements during the trial, which could last for months. The lawyer emphasized that remaining silent does not imply guilt or a desire to hide information. While Brückner is expected to confirm basic details about himself, such as his name and date of birth, the trial will determine whether he continues to be held in custody after the end of his current sentence.