September, Friday 20, 2024

Russian Journalist Marina Ovsyannikova Sentenced in Absentia for Anti-War Advocacy


A Russian court has handed journalist Marina Ovsyannikova an 8.5-year prison sentence for protesting against Russia's invasion of Ukraine during a live broadcast. Ovsyannikova, who was tried in absentia, was found guilty of spreading false information about the Russian armed forces. She fled Russia with her daughter after escaping from house arrest, and she has described the charges against her as absurd. Russia labels the war in Ukraine as a "special military operation" rather than an invasion, and it is illegal to use the term "invasion" in reference to the conflict. Numerous individuals have faced jail time or fines for criticizing Russia's military actions, leading human rights organizations to denounce the crackdown on dissent under President Vladimir Putin. In addition to her prison sentence, Ovsyannikova has been prohibited from engaging in any activities involving electronic media, including the internet, for four years. The charges against her were brought following her protest near the Kremlin, where she held a sign calling Putin a murderer and accusing his soldiers of being fascists. During the trial, Ovsyannikova's family members testified against her on the prosecution's side. Her current whereabouts are unknown, and she believes the charges against her are politically motivated. Ovsyannikova made headlines earlier in 2022 when she interrupted a live news broadcast at a state-run TV station, holding a sign that criticized the war and referred to propaganda. Despite being targeted by Russian authorities, some Ukrainian journalists and Russian dissidents have expressed skepticism about Ovsyannikova's intentions, citing her previous work for state-run media. Her visit to Ukraine last summer to report on the war for a German newspaper also sparked anger among many Ukrainians, who demanded her immediate dismissal.