September, Friday 20, 2024

Democratic Politician in Maine Changes Stance on Banning Assault Weapons in Light of Recent Shootings


Democratic congressman Jared Golden, who had previously opposed strict gun control measures, has reversed his position after a recent mass shooting in his constituency of Lewiston, Maine. The shooting, which claimed the lives of 18 individuals, prompted Golden to call his previous stance a "failure." Representing a predominantly rural district that voted for Donald Trump, Golden had broken ranks with his party in the past by voting against several gun control bills. He was one of only five Democratic representatives who opposed a ban on assault-style weapons that passed the House in 2022 but ultimately did not become law. However, in light of the shooting, Golden now urges the US Congress to ban assault rifles, expressing remorse for his previous position on gun control. He plans to work with his colleagues to pass such legislation during his remaining tenure in Congress. Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine, known for her moderate stance, supports more limited gun control measures such as restricting high-capacity magazines. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden has called on Republican lawmakers, who currently control the House, to fulfill their duty in safeguarding American lives. However, previous attempts to pass substantial gun control measures during the first two years of the Biden administration, when Democrats held the majority in both chambers of Congress, were unsuccessful. In 1994, as a Senate committee chairman, Biden led efforts to restrict semi-automatic rifles, but the ban expired after ten years, and its effectiveness has been debated since then. Maine enacted a "yellow flag" law in 2019, enabling law enforcement to petition for the removal of firearms from individuals deemed a threat to themselves or others. This requires a medical evaluation and the person's placement in protective custody. While narrower than "red flag" laws, which allow family members and others to initiate such petitions, it remains uncertain whether the law was invoked for the suspect in the recent shooting, who was known to be struggling with acute mental health issues. According to local newspaper the Portland Press Herald, the yellow flag law has been utilized 58 times over the past three years. The right to bear arms in the United States is protected by the Second Amendment of the Constitution.