September, Friday 20, 2024

Lewiston Resident Recounts Chaotic Scenes of Major Shootings: Helicopters and Sirens Add to the Mayhem


A resident of Lewiston, who is also running for city council, expressed her shock and disbelief at the lockdown imposed on the entire city following a mass shooting. Billie Jayne Cooke explained that she was leaving a public event when she first heard about the attack and that the shooter was still at large. She described the scene as she made her way home, with constant sounds of sirens and helicopters that she had never experienced before. Cooke emphasized the overwhelming police presence, with law enforcement officials coming from all over the state and even from outside the state. She expressed her horror at the situation, explaining that they always knew something like this could happen, but never believed it actually would. Cooke called her son during her drive home and recounted the constant sounds of sirens and helicopters in the background. She struggled to comprehend the situation, stating that it seemed unimaginable and that everyone in the city was left in the dark, much like the rest of the world. Despite Lewiston's small population of fewer than 40,000 people, Cooke acknowledged that the city was fortunate to have two hospitals in such a small area.