September, Friday 20, 2024

Hamas Gaining Strong Support in West Bank, but Possibility of Full Uprising Remains Preventable


There is speculation about a possible uprising in the West Bank even before the recent attacks by Hamas on Israel in October. The Israeli army has been conducting frequent raids in the West Bank, which has increased pressure on Palestinians. The situation has worsened since the war in Gaza, with Israeli raids becoming more forceful and many families suffering economically. Support for Hamas has risen, but there have been no significant actions on the ground. Weekly demonstrations against Israel and the Palestinian Authority have been held, but the turnout has been smaller than in previous moments of tension. People are hesitant to participate in demonstrations due to the security risks and lack of confidence in political parties. There is fear that joining militant groups could make individuals targets for arrest or assassination. The Israeli army has been cracking down on armed groups and attempting to destroy their infrastructure. Although support for armed resistance has grown, it is not likely to result in sustained violence at the moment. The current leader of Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas, is trying to avoid an escalation in violence against Israel, which is a departure from his predecessor's stance. The US is pushing for the Palestinian Authority to govern Gaza, but Israel has opposed this. The situation in the West Bank could spiral out of control, and a sustained uprising would require a change in Fatah's approach. The outlook is uncertain, and some believe that an explosion of violence is inevitable due to the lack of progress in the political agenda.