September, Friday 20, 2024

Lloyd Austin, US Defence Secretary, admitted back to hospital for treatment.


US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin has been hospitalized again for an urgent bladder issue, following his apology for a secretive hospital stay in December. The 70-year-old Austin was admitted to Walter Reed Medical Center on Sunday after experiencing symptoms. The White House has been informed, and Austin will continue to fulfill his duties. Previously, Austin underwent surgery for prostate cancer, and on New Year's Day, he was readmitted to the hospital due to complications from the procedure, such as severe pain in his leg, hip, and abdomen. It was later discovered that he had a urinary tract infection, which prolonged his hospital stay for more than two weeks. Surprisingly, senior defense officials and the Biden administration were unaware of the seriousness of Austin's condition until three days after his readmission in January. As the defense secretary is a key figure in the US military's chain of command and an important member of the Cabinet, his health is of significant concern.