September, Friday 20, 2024

Church Seeking Inclusion of LGBTQ+ Individuals: My Experience of Being Warned That Homosexuality Leads to Damnation


Betty Harper, a 21-year-old charity worker from Llanddulas, Conwy county, is fed up with trying to find a church that welcomes her as a gay woman. She and her partner, who are both Christians, have been searching for a place where they can practice their faith without judgment, but have been unsuccessful thus far. Betty grew up in a strict Christian household where she was taught that same-sex relationships were sinful. Despite this upbringing, she always knew she was attracted to women. Betty even tried to change her feelings through prayer but eventually accepted herself for who she is, believing that God made her this way. Religion is an essential part of Betty's life. She works as a center manager for a Christian charity in Rhyl. Her faith remains strong, although she has faced disapproval from some churchgoers because of her sexuality. She went through a crisis of belief when she entered her first serious relationship with a woman. Her father's side of the family has disowned her, with one family member even saying they pray to go to hell so Betty can go to heaven. These experiences have made Betty question herself and the conditioning she received. Ironically, Betty met her partner Hannah through a church, but Hannah also experienced anti-gay sentiment within the church. Although some Christian churches have become more accepting of LGBTQ+ members, Betty has not found a place where she truly feels accepted. Many churches claim to be welcoming but still treat same-sex relationships as taboo subjects. Betty had a negative experience at one church, where she was allowed to attend choir rehearsals but was not allowed to sing or perform on stage because she might influence younger people. After similar conditions were placed on her partner's involvement with the Sunday school, Betty decided to start her own church that is completely accepting. Betty is now actively trying to find like-minded individuals, a suitable building, and an accepting pastor for her church. She has received positive responses to her idea online and is searching for a location in Wales. The church would welcome everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or religious beliefs. Betty envisions a youthful and modernized church with upbeat music, where people can freely express themselves during worship. Betty and Hannah plan to marry in 2025 and hope to have a blessing in their own church after a civil service. However, many mainstream Christian denominations in the UK, such as the Roman Catholic Church, Church of England, and Church in Wales, do not currently allow same-sex marriages. Some other denominations, such as the Methodist Church, United Reformed Church, Quakers, and Scottish Episcopal Church, do perform marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples. After years of being told her sexuality is sinful, Betty simply wants to find a place where she and other gay individuals are accepted. She believes that loving someone is not a crime and questions why God would discriminate against someone for loving another person.