September, Friday 20, 2024

Lady Gaga successfully retains $500,000 dognapping reward through legal victory


A US judge has ruled that Lady Gaga does not have to pay a $500,000 reward to a woman who returned her stolen dogs in 2021. Jennifer McBride had sued the star for the reward, as well as $1.5 million in damages, but the judge determined that she could not claim the money because her involvement in returning the dogs resulted in a conviction of receiving stolen goods. McBride argued that she was simply ensuring the safe return of the two bulldogs, but the judge ruled that she was not entitled to benefit from her wrongdoing by seeking to enforce the contract. In February 2021, Gaga's dog walker was shot during a robbery, and two of the dogs were taken. McBride returned the stolen dogs a few days later after Gaga offered the reward.