September, Thursday 19, 2024

The French Visit of King Combines Public Relations, Politics, and Security


The state visit of the King and Queen of England to France commenced in Paris with grand ceremony and tight security. The Arc de Triomphe served as the backdrop for the diplomatic event, accompanied by a flypast featuring the colors of the French flag. French President Emmanuel Macron made all efforts to welcome his royal guests. The state banquet at the Palace of Versailles saw rockstar Mick Jagger in attendance, representing rock royalty. Queen Camilla looked regal in a blue Dior cape on the Versailles red carpet, while President Macron and the King engaged in staged conversation for the cameras. The visit serves as an opportunity to strengthen the alliance between Britain and France, focusing on areas of common interest such as trade, the environment, culture, and defense. The banquet, offering delicacies like blue lobster and a mix of British and French cheeses, provided the platform for speeches that emphasized the historical ties between the two countries. The visit also reflects efforts to maintain a positive relationship in the wake of Brexit, as public surveys indicate mutual appreciation between British and French citizens. However, there are differences in opinions regarding the monarchy, with only a quarter of French people favoring a constitutional monarchy like Britain, while a similar number of Britons support a republic like France. Security measures during the visit have limited the public's access to the King and Queen, with crowds being kept at a distance behind barriers. This visit marks the beginning of a three-day itinerary that includes a speech to the Senate and visits to eco-projects in Bordeaux, promising more photo opportunities and displays of the entente cordiale between the two nations.