September, Friday 20, 2024

King Charles delays official engagements due to commencement of cancer treatment


King Charles has announced that he will temporarily step back from his public duties while he undergoes treatment for cancer. Prince William will cover some of the King's responsibilities, along with his own engagements. The specific type of cancer has not been disclosed, but it was discovered during the King's recent treatment for an enlarged prostate. Despite pausing public events, the King will continue his constitutional role as head of state, including paperwork and private meetings. He will also maintain his weekly meetings with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak unless advised otherwise. The King informed his sons personally about his diagnosis, and Prince Harry will be traveling to the UK to see him in the coming days. The Palace has appointed "counsellors of state," including Queen Camilla, Prince William, the Princess Royal, and Prince Edward, to fulfill the monarch's official duties. Prince William had temporarily withdrawn from public engagements to support his wife's recovery from abdominal surgery, but he will resume his duties later this week. The King had previously undergone a prostate procedure for a benign condition. By going public with his cancer treatment, the King hopes to raise awareness and encourage more men to seek prostate checks. The Royal Society of Medicine expressed gratitude for the King's efforts in highlighting the indiscriminate nature of cancer and urged eligible individuals to undergo cancer screenings. Various political figures, including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and US President Joe Biden, have wished the King a speedy recovery. Confirmation of the King's return to full public duties and the status of planned tours to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Samoa have yet to be determined.