September, Friday 20, 2024

Is North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un, genuinely contemplating war?


A group of cautious North Korea experts, who usually try to avoid causing panic, have been taken aback by the recent statements of two prominent analysts. These analysts believe that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is preparing for war and has abandoned the goal of reconciling and reuniting with South Korea. They argue that Kim Jong Un has made a strategic decision to go to war, similar to his grandfather in 1950. This pronouncement has caused alarm in Washington and Seoul, but most other analysts disagree with this theory. They believe that North Korea often uses provocative actions to bring Western powers to the negotiating table and that there are political pressures at home as well. However, all the experts agree that Kim Jong Un's increased threats should not be ignored and that his regime has become more dangerous. While most analysts think a full-scale war is unlikely, some fear that a limited attack could still be possible. This could involve shelling or attempting to occupy contested islands near the Korean peninsula. The experts also suggest that North Korea's recent actions should be seen in the context of its operating patterns and geopolitical factors such as economic sanctions and upcoming elections in enemy countries. They conclude that engaging with Kim Jong Un through dialogue is the best way to understand his intentions and prevent war.