September, Thursday 19, 2024

Khtek: Embracing Gratitude for Bipolar Disorder - The Tale of a Moroccan Rapper


Khtek, a popular female rap artist from Morocco, has quickly risen to fame in just three years. She has gained a large following, particularly among young women, due to her bravery, openness, and refusal to conform to expectations. Despite her success, Khtek does not see herself as a star and maintains an authentic and down-to-earth image. Khtek, whose real name is Houda Abouz, dresses casually in jeans and a crop top when I meet her at her favorite café in Casablanca. The only touch of glamour is her shimmering eye makeup. On stage, she captivates her fans with her immense charisma and still presents herself as her true self, without any pretense. The audience adores her for this. Her choice of the name Khtek is a deliberate challenge to men on behalf of women. In Moroccan Arabic, "khtek" means "your sister" and is used by men to insult one another. Khtek was intrigued by the negative connotation and decided to reclaim the word. This bold move garnered attention and though radio hosts initially tried to tone it down, she stuck with the name. Khtek started freestyling and performing at festivals before even recording any music. However, it was when she began sharing her art on social media that her career really took off. She received tremendous feedback and quickly rose to become one of the biggest female rappers in Morocco. Reflecting on the rap scene in Morocco, Khtek notes its evolution since 2013. Previously, there were rappers who used their music to critique the system and take risks, while others focused solely on making a name for themselves. However, she feels that nowadays, young people, including rappers, are less interested in politics. The focus has shifted to materialistic topics, such as cars, vacations, and money. Khtek, on the other hand, chooses to address important issues that matter to her, such as mental health and women's rights. She openly talks about her struggles with depression and being diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2016. Despite the challenges the disorder brings, she sees it as an integral part of her creativity and identity. Being able to express her experiences and emotions through music is something she is grateful for. Khtek's transparency about mental health has been met with a positive response, but she acknowledges that in Morocco, many people still hide their mental illness due to societal stigmas. Some view mental illness as a moral failing and believe that relying on prayer and spirituality should be enough. However, Khtek emphasizes the importance of seeking medical help when necessary, comparing mental illness to a biological condition like diabetes. She considers herself fortunate to have had the support of her family throughout her journey. In other families, she believes that they might have viewed her struggles as possession or something similar, leading to potentially dangerous outcomes. Overall, Khtek's personal experiences, openness, and dedication to addressing meaningful subjects have made her a significant figure in the Moroccan hip-hop scene.