September, Friday 20, 2024

Main Dutch Party Rejects Talks with Wilders, Cites Lack of Grounds


The New Social Contract party, a major political party in the Netherlands, has declined to enter into discussions with Geert Wilders, the leader of the anti-Islam party PVV, about forming a coalition government. The New Social Contract party explained that Wilders's election manifesto raises concerns about potential violations of the Dutch constitution. Although Wilders's PVV won the recent general election, it did not secure a majority, and Wilders will need the support of other parties to become prime minister. The New Social Contract party's leader, Pieter Omtzigt, stated that his party sees no grounds for negotiations due to disagreements on key principles. Wilders's campaign included proposals such as banning mosques and Islamic schools, but these measures would violate citizens' constitutional rights to practice religion freely. While Wilders has expressed willingness to negotiate and compromise, some party leaders remain confused about his position. Omtzigt also mentioned the need for the PVV to clarify which controversial points from its election manifesto are no longer relevant before coalition talks can proceed. Omtzigt anticipates numerous challenges in reaching an agreement with the PVV, including Wilders's desire for a referendum to exit the EU. Wilders has not responded to The New Social Contract party's statements.