September, Thursday 19, 2024

UN Condemns Use of Nitrogen Gas in Execution of Kenneth Eugene Smith in Alabama


The United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and anti-death penalty activists have condemned the recent execution of an inmate in Alabama using nitrogen gas. Kenneth Eugene Smith, who was convicted in 1989 for the murder of a preacher's wife, was put to death on Thursday night. Witnesses reported that Smith thrashed violently on the gurney during the execution. This method of execution, which cuts off the oxygen supply to the brain, had never been used before. Human rights officials expressed concerns that the use of nitrogen gas may amount to torture or cruel treatment. Alabama officials, however, claimed that the execution went as planned and stated that they expect this method to be used again in the future. Smith's last words before his execution were a reflection on the step backward humanity has taken due to this method of execution. The victim's family expressed relief that the day was over, while Smith's legal team and opponents of the death penalty condemned the execution. This execution comes amidst a decline in the use of the death penalty in the United States, with lethal injection being the most commonly used method.