September, Thursday 19, 2024

Kenya's President William Ruto's favorite Kaunda suits prohibited from parliament


Kenya's parliament has prohibited the wearing of the Kaunda suit, which is named after the late Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda and is popular among the political class. Speaker of Parliament Moses Wetangula stated that the Kaunda suit, as well as traditional African clothing, is no longer welcome within the parliament building. President William Ruto is known for frequently donning the Kaunda suit during official events. The safari jacket with matching trousers is collarless and often short-sleeved, also referred to as the Mao Zedong suit. Wetangula's decision to ban the suit is based on emerging fashion trends that contradict the established parliamentary dress code. Men are required to wear a coat, collar, tie, long-sleeved shirt, long trousers, socks, shoes, or service uniform, while women should adhere to business, formal, or smart casual wear with skirts and dresses below knee-length. Sleeveless blouses are prohibited. Although the Kaunda suit was previously allowed in parliament and some MPs were frequently seen wearing it, Wetangula emphasized that it is now time to discontinue its use due to a threat to the parliamentary dress code. The ban has evoked mixed reactions on social media, with some questioning why African attire would be banned by an African parliament, while others support the decision. Some individuals have also made jokes regarding the ban, suggesting that the Kaunda suit is now exclusively reserved for the president.