September, Friday 20, 2024

Chinese Teenager Kai Zhuang Discovered Safe in US Following a Case of 'Cyber Kidnapping'


A Chinese exchange student in the US was discovered alive but freezing in a tent after his parents fell victim to a cyber kidnapping scam. The student, Kai Zhuang, was located in rural Utah and appeared scared and cold. It is believed that he isolated himself under the influence of the kidnappers. His parents were coerced into paying approximately $80,000. The Riverdale Police noted that several foreign students have been targeted by cyber kidnappers in recent times. The police suspect that Kai had been under the control of the kidnappers since 20 December when he was seen with camping equipment in Provo, Utah. The officers, concerned for his welfare, arranged for him to be returned to Riverdale without him reporting any threats at that time. On 28 December, the school he attended contacted the police after receiving a ransom demand and a photo of Kai suggesting he was abducted, as informed by his parents in China. According to the police, cyber kidnappers manipulate their victims into isolating themselves and taking staged pictures to create the appearance of captivity. Despite the absence of the kidnappers, both the victim and their families are convinced harm will come to them if they do not comply. Although the kidnappers were not present, the authorities in Utah were still concerned for Kai's safety, particularly due to freezing temperatures. He was eventually found in a tent near Brigham City, 25 miles away from Riverdale. The tent lacked a source of heat, but Kai had limited supplies of food and water, as well as several phones believed to have been used in the kidnapping. After being rescued, Kai, who was checked for hypothermia, requested a warm cheeseburger and contact with his family.