September, Friday 20, 2024

Job Sikhala: The Man Determined to Take on Zimbabwe's Powerful Political Leader


This week, a Zimbabwean courtroom echoed with chants of "Wiwa, Wiwa, Wiwa," a tribute to Ken Saro-Wiwa, a renowned writer and environmentalist executed by Nigeria's military regime in 1995. This chant was in reference to opposition politician Job Sikhala, who recently received a two-year suspended sentence after spending a record 595 days in pre-trial detention. Sikhala, a former MP and lawyer, adopted the nickname "Wiwa" during his university days, inspired by Ken Saro-Wiwa's bravery. He has been a vocal advocate for justice and democracy in Zimbabwe, joining the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in 1999. Sikhala has faced numerous arrests throughout his political career, with his recent sentence being his only conviction. Despite his sentence, he remains committed to ending injustice and tyranny in Zimbabwe. After his release from Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison, where he was abruptly removed from the premises, Sikhala vowed to continue his struggle for justice, undeterred by the possibility of future arrests.