September, Friday 20, 2024

Hospital Negligence Blamed for Baby's Tragic Death: Jasper Brooks Inquest


A baby's death at Darent Valley Hospital in Kent was caused by neglect, according to a coroner's report. Jasper Brooks passed away on April 15, 2021, due to serious failures by midwives and consultants at the hospital, which the coroner deemed as "wholly avoidable." The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has expressed remorse for the impact this has had on the Brooks family and stated that they are committed to learning from their mistakes and implementing necessary improvements. Jasper's parents, Jim and Phoebe Brooks, had previously received good care during the birth of their first child at the same hospital, but experienced neglect during Phoebe's second pregnancy. The midwives failed to address Phoebe's concerns of physical symptoms, and she eventually went into labor before the planned C-section. Further errors occurred during the resuscitation process, including a delay in intubation and administering adrenaline. The family was devastated when initially told to prepare for the baby's death, but Jasper unexpectedly survived for 23 hours before passing away. In light of ongoing concerns about the quality of maternity care across multiple hospitals, some activists are calling for a national inquiry to address these issues and prevent avoidable harm and death. Phoebe and Jim Brooks will always consider Jasper a part of their family.