September, Friday 20, 2024

Italian Mafia Leader Who Fled Prison With Bed Sheets Reapprehended in France


A notorious mafia boss from Italy, Marco Raduano, who had escaped a prison in Sardinia using bed sheets, has been captured in France. Raduano was apprehended in Corsica and was listed as one of Europe's most wanted criminals by Europol. He was serving a 24-year sentence for drug trafficking and other offenses when he managed to escape in February last year by descending the prison walls using knotted bed sheets. Video footage of his escape showed him gripping the sheets as he lowered himself down before quickly fleeing the scene. Italian authorities also announced the arrest of his close associate, Gianluigi Troiano, near Granada in southern Spain. The detainment of Raduano and Troiano is considered a significant blow to organized crime by the Italian Interior Minister, Matteo Piantedosi. Raduano, believed to be a leader of the Foggia crime syndicate, often referred to as Italy's fourth mafia, was apprehended while dining at a restaurant in Aleria with a young woman.